Tuesday 17 January 2017

The Devotion to the Sacred Heart Of Jesus. 15.


8. They raise their heart to Jesus by frequent ejaculatory prayers. They do not wait until temptations and adversities compel them to turn to Him, they hold frequent intercourse with Him in the midst of their work and occupations. Now it is an act of love and thanks giving which they breathe forth; now an ascription of praise or act of adoration, now an act of petition or propitiation, by which they venerate the Sacred Heart; and these tokens of reverence and affection are redoubled on days and in seasons that are specially dedicated to the honour of that Heart. They keep a picture of it before them in order to be more often reminded of it, and incited to pray that they may be kindled by the flames which consume that Heart, and illumined by the light of grace; that they may be stimulated by the sight of the cross and wound and thorns to renewed zeal, inspired with fresh courage to sacrifice all and bear all for Christ's sake, who bore so much and sacrificed so much for them.

9. They often send up heartfelt entreaties for pardon, in order to make some amends to Our Lord for the irreverence's and impieties committed against Him. Not one of all our pious exercises is so pleasing to Our Lord and so essential a part of our devotion as the work of propitiation and reparation. The worshippers of the Sacred Heart are therefore not satisfied with avoiding everything that may grieve it; on the contrary, they strive by propitiation and reparation to afford it consolation and joy; these acts they renew and redouble the more they are impressed with the ingratitude of men towards their Lord and Redeemer, the more certainly they are convinced that these acts are what Our Lord desires above all and enjoins on us to perform. They will not give Him cause to lament, as of old, saying: "I looked for one that would grieve together with Me, but there was none; and for one that would comfort Me, and I found none." They pray that they may ever feel more and more sorrow and pain at the ingratitude of men, that Our Lord will give them a share in the grief which He experienced in the Garden of Olives on account of their affronts. They implore pardon for those affronts, and in reparation for them they offer Him their voluntary mortifications and acts of self-denial; they offer Him the adoration, the glory rendered to Him by the just of earth, by the angels and saints in heaven; they offer Him the holy and immaculate heart of His blessed Mother, in which He takes delight. This reparation is a consolation to Our Lord and a source of great graces to our selves. Particulars concerning the Communion of Reparation will be found in the Appendix.